So, as you can guess, trivia will be on hold for a while.

In the meantime we will be trying to do different things to help all of you get your trivia fix!

This Wednesday Tom will be hosting a Facebook Live show at 8pm. So mark your calendar.

We will also be playing shows through the Kahoot  App. If you would like to play, then go to the app store on your phone or tablet and download the Kahoot App; it is free. It will ask you 3 questions and then you will be all set for play. As of now we are planning on doing a Kahoot Game Monday through Thursday.

At 7pm tonight we will release a pin number that you can use to join the game; you will be able to answer on your phone or tablet. At 8pm the game will shut down and shortly after we will announce our winner. Our winner will take home the respect and admiration of The BIG Trivia show which, as always, is priceless!

So check back in at 7pm for the PIN Number and join the game.